Week of Events
Those Creative Liardets
We welcome and encourage you to come and celebrate the 180th anniversary of Wilbraham and Caroline Liardet's arrival to the shores of 'The Beach' - later Sandridge (Port Melbourne). Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society is proud to present a collection of beautiful artworks and creative pieces from some of their descendants. This exhibition celebrates
Lecture. Farming the Mallee: Visions and Realities 1890-present
Lecture. Farming the Mallee: Visions and Realities 1890-present
We are honoured that our last major lecture for 2019 will be delivered by Professor Katie Holmes, Director, Centre for the Study of the Inland and co-author of the soon-to-be-published Mallee Country: Land, People, History together with Richard Broome, Charles Fahey and Andrea Gaynor. In the early 1890s the Victorian Mallee was seen as a
BOOK LAUNCH INVITATION to Mallee Country: Land, People, History
BOOK LAUNCH INVITATION to Mallee Country: Land, People, History
The Royal Historical Society of Victoria and Monash University Publishing are delighted to invite you the launch of Mallee Country: Land, People, History By Richard Broome, Charles Fahey, Andrea Gaynor and Katie Holmes Mallee Country will be launched by Tom Griffiths, Emeritus Professor of History, ANU. With a special performance by the celebrated gum leaf