Distinguished Service Awards

Introduced in 2014, the Distinguished Service Award honours people who have given distinguished service to the RHSV.

Closing date for nominations is 5pm AEST Friday 12 April 2024 and any awards will be announced at the RHSV AGM on Tuesday 28 May 2024. 

Its criteria are:
(a) an outstanding contribution to the work of RHSV
(b) furthering one or more of the RHSV’s objectives

(c) a minimum of 8 years’ service with the RHSV unless special circumstances apply

Nominations can be submitted at the same time as for other awards and will be considered by the Fellowship Committee for recommendation to and confirmation by the RHSV Council.

There is no specific application form however, in making a nomination, the nominator should submit no more than 450 words outlining the contribution and service of the nominee as outlined above. The nominator should also provide their contact details as the nominator is the person contacted for all correspondence regarding the nomination. Nominations should be emailed or posted to the Executive Officer, Rosemary Cameron on executive.officer@historyvictoria.org.au

See also our lists of Awards of Merit recipients and RHSV Fellows


No awards made


No awards made


No awards made


John Gillespie
Justice Paul R. Mullaly
David Thompson


Alleyne Hockley, Castlemaine Historical Society
David Langdon, Richmond and Burnley Historical Society


Dr Kate Jones