Become a Member
To become a member of the RHSV, you can join using the digital application form on this page, or by downloading the applicable printable form (below) and returning it with payment to RHSV, 239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.
Digital Membership Application Form
Individual Membership Form (printable version) – for Persons & Households
Organisation Membership and Subscription Form (printable version) – for other historical societies, libraries, schools, corporate members etc
Online Application Information
- When signing up, you will be asked to provide a password which will give you access to your account on the RHSV website. From your account dashboard you will be able to, but not limited to:
- view and renew your membership details
- view recent ticket and book orders and wishlist items
- manage your shipping and billing addresses
- edit your password and account details.
- Organisation members or authorised representatives will be able to claim and manage their organisation listing on the RHSV website Directory (subject to RHSV approval).
Membership Benefits
Members of the RHSV enjoy:
- Free use of the Society’s comprehensive Library and valuable collections – rare books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, newspapers, directories, indexes, registers and other items.
- Advice with personal research from our Library and research staff (members get 1 hour free of charge and discounted extended research fees).
- A subscription to History News.
- A subscription to the Victorian Historical Journal.
- Old News, a fortnightly eBulletin which is a What’s On for the RHSV and the history sector.
- Discounted admission to monthly talks of historical interest.
- Free admission to RHSV exhibitions and book launches.
- Substantial discount to RHSV events such as conferences and workshops.
- Substantial discount on excursions to places of historical interest with well informed guides.
- Professional links with over 350 historical and specialist societies in Victoria.
- Discounted image fees and room hire
- the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting an organisation that advocates for the preservation of our history and our stories – our culture
Gift Membership
In the new member form below you have an option to tick gift membership. Remember to let us know how you want the gift membership delivered – we can send it directly to the gift recipient or to you for personal delivery.
Membership Publication Delivery Options
Please note that, whichever delivery option you choose, you are still able to get our fortnightly Old News eBulletins (a what’s on) if you supply an email address.
Digital: Digital delivery means that you will get 2 issues of the Victorian Historical Journal and 6 issues of History News delivered digitally to your email address each year
Digital / Paper: This delivery method means that you will get the 2 issues of the Victorian Historical Journal mailed, in paper copy, to your postal address and the 6 issues of History News will be delivered digitally to your email address each year.
Paper : You get both the 2 issues of the Victorian Historical Journal and the 6 issues of History News mailed in paper copy to your postal address each year.
*A three year membership attracts a $10 discount per annum on top of any other discounts for digital delivery.
Voting Membership Options
All rates include GST
# Affiliated indicates that you are a member of another historical society which is a member of the RHSV (affiliated with the RHSV).
*For two individuals at the same address – both of whom can receive email notifications and claim discounted prices.
Ordinary (Individual)
One Year - $90
Three Years - $240
Digital / Paper
One Year - $115
Three Years - $315
One Year - $140
Three Years - $390
One Year - $100
Three Years - $270
Digital / Paper
One Year - $125
Three Years - $345
One Year - $150
Three Years - $420
Student (Full-time)
One Year - $40
Three Years - N/A
Digital / Paper
One Year - N/A
Three Years - N/A
One Year - N/A
Three Years - N/A
Affiliated Individual#
One Year - $70
Three Years - $180
Digital / Paper
One Year - $90
Three Years - $240
One Year - $110
Three Years - $300
Affiliated Household#
One Year - $80
Three Years - $210
Digital / Paper
One Year - $100
Three Years - $270
One Year - $120
Three Years - $330
Non-Voting Membership Options
All rates include GST
^Allows for 2 email addresses at one library or school to receive all member information and benefits including all digital publications and news plus 1 hard copy of 2 issues of VHJ and 6 issues of HN mailed to library/school.
+Allows for up to 3 work email addresses at the same business to receive member information and benefits
Affiliated Member Society
One Year - $90
Three Years - $240
Digital / Paper
One Year - $115
Three Years - $315
One Year - $140
Three Years - $390
Library / School^
One Year - N/A
Three Years - N/A
Digital / Paper
One Year - $210
Three Years - $600
One Year - N/A
Three Years - N/A
Corporate Membership+
One Year - $280
Three Years - $810
Digital / Paper
One Year - $305
Three Years - $870
One Year - $330
Three Years - $930
Subscription (Non-membership)
All rates include GST
Victorian Historical Journal Subscription Only for libraries within Australia
One Year - $40
Three Years - $90
Digital / Paper
One Year - N/A
Three Years - N/A
One Year - $70
Three Years - $180
Victorian Historical Journal Subscription Only for libraries OUTSIDE Australia
One Year - $40
Three Years - $90
Digital / Paper
One Year - N/A
Three Years - N/A
One Year - $125
Three Years - $345
Victorian Historical Journal + History News Subscription for libraries within Australia
One Year - $70
Three Years - $180
Digital / Paper
One Year - $100
Three Years - $270
One Year - $120
Three Years - $330
Victorian Historical Journal + History News Subscription for libraries OUTSIDE Australia
One Year - $70
Three Years - $180
Digital / Paper
One Year - $145
Three Years - $405
One Year - $220
Three Years - $630
Donations explained
We greatly appreciate donations (big or small) to assist both our day-to-day activities, and to secure our long-term future.
There are two different ways you can choose for your donation to be applied.
*Donations to the RHSV Foundation secure our long-term future.
*Donations to the RHSV itself are about the here and now – what we will achieve today.