This exhibition is biography imagined through the lens of a Kaleidoscope. The viewer is offered fragments of the lives represented here. There is no linear narrative. Each time the kaleidoscope turns, a different story emerges. There are repeating patterns but different emphases and new ways of seeing, new reflections, new refractions. No one story dominates and one story does not fit all.
It is Family History Month at Yarra Plenty Regional Library. The 150th anniversary of State Schooling in Victoria provides fresh opportunities for family, school and local historians. Some type of 'formal schooling' has played part in most families' and local communities' lives, particularly in recent times. The Education Act of 1872 (Victoria) was the first Read More...
This talk will analyse an archive of letters, written in 1934–5 during the centenary celebrations of Melbourne, by adults who were children in the 1860s and 70s in Hotham. Through these letters we can uncover a narrative of self-indigenisation of the settler residents, that is their positioning of white colonial-born children of Hotham as natural Read More...
It's Family History Month at Yarra Plenty Regional Library. Daniela Zannoni was born in northern Italy and migrated to Australia when she was three years old. The idea to write her family’s story evolved through hearing her mother continually recounting the hardships she had endured. In this session, Daniela will discuss her family’s migration journey Read More...
In August Christina will discuss how to create different types of social media posts for your collections: a practical guide from A to B. These forums have become wonderful idea-generators and there is a real sharing of experience and ideas between historical societies and those taking place - all terrific. If you are interested in Read More...
Ross Campbell traces the story of his lifetime involvement in cinema and films throughout Melbourne. From growing up two streets away from The Camden and witnessing the unique quality of nitrate film, to the arrival of CinemaScope. His association with the Melbourne International Film Festival (and its predecessor), and involvement in setting up the Erwin Read More...
What do the grandstand at the Shepparton Showgrounds, St Brendan’s Church, Ambermere and many of our lovely older buildings have in common? They are just some of the works of Shepparton’s prolific turn-of-the-century architect John Augustus Kenny Clarke. This year hear a local tell us about the renowned and engaging architect, cycling enthusiast and Agricultural Society stalwart J A K Clarke.
On Friday 12 August, the SHAPS Fellows & Associates will hold their first Research Day since 2019. RHSV members are invited to attend. Our conference day includes papers by Australian and French historians John Lack, Helen Davies, Jean Ely, Greg Burgess, Rosemary Francis, Wendy Dick, Richard Gillespie, Tony Ward and Fay Woodhouse. It will traverse terrain such as radicals, rags and revues in 1950s and 1960s Melbourne, the immigrant Gagliardi brothers, the 1872 Education Act and centralised education, a sequel to the Emile and Isaac Pereire story, early inhabitants of the Hunter River, a federated Australia, the 150 years of the Prisoners' Aid Society and the importance of kindness.
An invitation from The Australasian Mining History Association to join in their next ZOOM talk. The Emperor Gold Mine, Fiji: Mines on and off since 1932 and continues to show the colour of gold, remaining one of the world long continuous mining areas. The Emperor Gold Mine in Fiji is one of the worlds largest epithermal Read More...
A prominent photographer in the early days of Eltham was John Henry (Harry) Clark. At the regular Eltham & District Historical Society meeting in August they will explore some selected Clark images from the collection and, with some, try to show the current locations where the photographs were taken.
Come and join the Australian Garden History Society for a leisurely stroll with Professor Tim Entwisle to explore the history of the site and surviving plantings. BYO picnic morning tea and your stories of the park. The Australian Garden History Society are offering this wonderful event for their members only - you'll have to join the Read More...
Join us for “Life on the Lake” An inside look at what life was like around Lake Moodemere, Rutherglen and the Carlyle Cemetery WHEN: Wednesday 17th August 2022 WHERE: Meet at Pfeiffer’s Wines: 167 Distillery Road, Wahgunyah Vic 3687 TIME: 9.30 am AGENDA: Using own transportation; follow the guides Read More...
Popular histories of science often tell a story of progress based around great ideas and great individuals. However, historians and philosophers of science have long pointed to the other factors that are involved – social structures, economic forces and the combined talents of many people. Join us for this special History and Philosophy of Science Read More...
It is Family History Month at Yarra Plenty Regional Library. or much of her life, Janine Marshall Wood, a former English, History and French teacher, has been gripped by the remarkable story of John Hughes, his leadership in the Rebecca Riots, his convict years and life afterwards in Tasmania. She has retold this tale countless Read More...
It is Family History Month at Yarra Plenty Regional Library. The culture of India has been shaped not only by its long history, unique geography and diverse demography but also by its ancient heritages. Regarded by some historians as the oldest living civilization on Earth, the Indian tradition dates back to 8,000 BC and has Read More...
Following the Australian Garden History Society's AGM, Sara Hardy will speak on 'Edna Walling'- an unusual life'. Sara Hardy is a playwright, biographer, novelist and former actor. Sara was inspired to write her first biography, The Unusual Life of Edna Walling, after portraying the famous Australian landscape designer in a theatre performance. Drinks and light refreshments will be available from 5:30 and the AGM begins at 6:00pm.
All-day workshops for Victorians interested in writing local history. Participants will:
gain new perspectives on local history
discover how to locate and use new primary and secondary sources
learn how to write and present well for different audiences, both established and new.
Professional historian and Richmond & Burnley Historical Society Vice President, Claire Levi, will talk about Bridge Road’s colourful history and the installation of the historical plaques between Hoddle and Church Streets. Claire worked with the Richmond Council and the Bridge Road Traders’ Association to take the project from concept to reality.
A talk by David Corke for Romsey & Lancefield Districts Historical Society On 23 August 1860, Burke & Wills and their party stayed overnight in Lancefield. On 23 August 2022, documentarian and historian of this journey, David Corke, will talk about his findings and his book, Exploring Burke and Wills: Enigmas and Curiosities. This book Read More...
We are delighted that Professor Frank Bongiorno will be delivering the inaugural RHSV Hugh Anderson Lecture, a new addition to our Distinguished Lecturer series. "Hugh Anderson (1927-2017) was a scholar of formidable breadth, productivity and versatility. While it is as a folklorist that he is arguably best known both in Australia and abroad, Anderson’s prolific Read More...
This briefing session, talk & lunch is an invitation-only event. Invitations have been sent to all historical societies which have portable buildings in their area. This event is only open to people representing one of the historical societies that have been invited to attend. Please do not RSVP unless you have been invited. Charles Sowerwine, Read More...
It is Family History Month at Yarra Plenty Regional Library. Did you have a favourite cubby, swing or climbing tree in childhood that you can still remember today? Memories of special childhood places can remain vivid even after the passage of many years. In this presentation, historian Carla Pascoe Leahy discusses her research into the Read More...
Free monthly cataloguing clinics via Zoom. The clinics run for an hour from 11am – 12noon on the 4th Thursday of each month. It is a relaxed gathering of people who are finding their way through the intricacies of cataloguing material in historical collections which, as we all know, fall between a library and a museum with sometimes a bit of art gallery thrown in.
All-day workshops for Victorians interested in writing local history. Participants will:
gain new perspectives on local history
discover how to locate and use new primary and secondary sources
learn how to write and present well for different audiences, both established and new.
Do you enjoy friendly conversation and family history? Share your knowledge and skills with other group members in a friendly and supportive environment while making use of the many resources available at the PMI Victorian History Library. Whether you are just starting out with your family history research or have many years experience you are Read More...
The Robert Menzies Institute is proud to host Professor Mark Edele for a talk exploring early Cold War migration and its impact on Australia. In the aftermath of the Second World War and as the Iron Curtain fell down on Eastern Europe, many people migrated to Australia in search of a new life. Eastern European Read More...
Since its formation in 1972 the Glen Eira Historical Society has collected over 5000 items; documents, photographs, ephemera, maps and more. To commemorate 50 years we dipped into our collection and uncovered some gems, including member’s favourites, objects large and small and some of the first donations received. This exhibition will be held in the Read More...
2022 Griffin Economic History Public Lecture Gender Inequality, Gender Norms, and Australia’s Convict Past Presented by Professor Pauline Grosjean, School of Economics, UNSW Professor Pauline Grosjean will discuss the relationships between gender inequality and norms about gender roles, such as beliefs about the appropriate way women and men should behave. She will discuss her research Read More...