The RHSV and the Genealogical Society of Victoria are delighted to co-present this full-day seminar which will give participants a deep understanding of the forces and influences which have shaped Melbourne's early growth. The seminar will be opened with a overview by Gary Presland on how Melbourne's Geography shaped its development. Then the following historians Read More...
An opportunity to see inside the magnificient Tay Creggan, in Yarra Street, Hawthorn. This heritage
home is now Strathcona year 9 campus. Diana Little will be talking about PEOPLE AND CHANGES TO TAY CREGGAN and a book on Yarra Street by Elizabeth Love and Jennifer Bowen, will also be launched on this day.
The RHSV is offering a series of 6 linked workshops (three Saturdays over three months) which cover cataloguing and digitisation. This series of workshops is progressive, starting with basic concepts and building in complexity. We have spaced the workshops so that participants have time in which to put into practice their new skills before the Read More...
This is a workshop for those who are new to computers, and small organisations who do not have the resources to use cataloguing software. Using only Excel, we will demonstrate how to create a simple catalogue that still complies with international standards.
This workshop is for small organisations that are going to start use cataloguing software. Participants will have the opportunity to create catalogue records using cataloguing software, and will learn how to move import an existing catalogue from Excel.
Emeritus Professor Graeme Davison AO, Chair of the History Council of Victoria, will launch Dr Liz Rushen's book, John Marshall: Shipowner, Lloyd's reformer and emigration agent. After the launch, Dr Rushen will deliver a paper which explores the significant role John Marshall played in the white settlement of the Port Phillip District
In 2020, Melbourne retains the title of having the largest electric street tram system in the world. This presentation will look at the tramway's history and why Melbourne retains the title of being a Tramway Titan.
Dr Carolyn Rasmussen will be launching Fay Woodhouse's latest book, Gita: Melbourne’s First Yoga School – 65 years of history at the RHSV. This is the first published history of any yoga school in Australia and it provides a context to the development of yoga in Australia.
The Genealogical Society of Victoria offers RHSV members & friends an introduction to the resources and skills needed to immerse yourself in family history. For anyone contemplating researching their family this event is key. It is also of great interest for those undertaking more general research as family research skills and resources can be used Read More...
This is a VIP tour of Melbourne Observatory, formally acknowledged as a place of outstanding national scientific, architectural, historical, astronomical and cultural significance, and a potential nomination for UNESCO World Heritage listing.
To coincide with the beginning of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day in March, our tour will focus on women in Box Hill cemetery. We will visit the graves of a variety of women, from nurses, teachers and artists to pioneers of women’s organisations. Come along and learn about the part that some women Read More...