The RHSV can offer its members a tour of the private mens-only Savage Club on Thursday 4 July at 10am. Please note that this event is for RHSV members only and is limited to 20 persons. Morning tea is included.Curious to see what caused the fuss with Julian Burnside? Or curious to see a well-preserved Read More...
BOOKS AND READING IN LA TROBE'S MELBOURNE Speaker: Professor Wallace Kirsop, book historian and collector, will draw upon his vast knowledge to highlight aspects of European culture reflected in the early years of La Trobe's administration of the Port Phillip District of New South Wales and, after Separation in 1851, the flourishing book-trade in the Read More...
For Rare Book Week a lunch-time lecture. The RHSV began assembling its library collection from the time of its inception in 1909 and it also incorporated, in the 1920s, the library of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Victoria) which formed in 1883. Former president of the RHSV and well-known professional historian, Dr Andrew Lemon, Read More...
This workshop will be delivered by Sophie Shilling. Sophie is a graduate of the University of Western Australia and RMIT, and currently works in Information Services at Museums Victoria and the RHSV as well as being the Outreach Officer for the Federation of Australian Historical Societies. She specialises in digital preservation, presenting workshops for the Australian Society of Archivists. Sophie authored the FAHS publication, Collecting & Preserving Digital Materials.
When socialist barrister and aspiring member of parliament Maurice Blackburn met Doris Hordern, ardent feminist and campaign secretary to Vida Goldstein, neither had marriage in their imagined futures. But they fell in love - and together, they shook Australia. Caroline Rasmussen talks about her latest book, The Blackburns Private Lives, Public Ambition.
We are delighted that Gregory Hill, a leading authority on both Australian Colonial Pottery and Australian Art Pottery, will be delivering a lunch-time lecture on Victoria’s Earliest Potteries.
Our speaker is internationally known architect Karl Fender OAM. Founding Partner of multiple award winning Fender Katsalidis Architects, Karl will share memories from his life in Burwood and Box Hill from the 50s to the 70s, from building play huts to building houses, from driving billy carts to driving horse drawn milk carts in the Read More...
Talk by Des Tobin – ‘A. V. (Phonse) Tobin – Irish (and North Melbourne) to his core. Alphonsus Vincent Tobin (1905–1993), funeral director and football administrator, was born on 23 August 1905 in Melbourne, third of six surviving children of Irish-born Thomas Tobin, labourer, and his Victorian-born second wife Alice, née O’Dowd. Phonse’s twin brother, Read More...
Museums Victoria Senior Curator, Deborah Tout-Smith will share stories and photographs of the Glen Eira area, including rare photographs of the urban landscape, shops and businesses, sport and recreation, and key events such as WWI. She will also introduce treasures from the Museum’s clothing and textiles collection. This talk follows the AGM of Glen Eira Read More...
A series of 6 graded workshops covering all you need to know on cataloguing and digitisation. Spaced over 6 months to give participants time to put into practice their new skills before tackling the next topic.
As part of Open House weekend, we will host a photographic display of Box Hill houses, showcasing many of the homes that no longer exist, as well as some outstanding examples of local landmarks. As well, our premises will be open for research, whether of a house, a family or a community group or business. Read More...
Our inaugural collectable and secondhand book sale will take place from 11am to 2pm on Sunday 28 July, in the lower hall of the Box Hill Town Hall. The Friends of Nunawading Libraries (FONL) will be joining us to create a large collection of books for readers to chose from, all at reasonable prices. Subjects Read More...
Sunday 28 July 2019 at 2.00pm. Come and join the Friends of St Kilda Cemetery on this terrific walk around the cemetery for an insight into the work of police officers, coroners, unusual deaths and murders. Cost $15 including afternoon tea. Meet at main gates, Dandenong Road. Bookings email: tel: 0422379053
'THE PARSON'S WIFE'': IN SEARCH OF HARRIET BEAN, DAUGHTER OF EMPIRE Speaker : Loreen Chambers, Vice-President of the C J La Trobe Society Harriet Battley was born to a military family in Jamaica which moved to the Cape Colony where she was orphaned at 6 years of age. She later shared the changing fortunes of Read More...