61st Annual Pioneer Women’s Ceremony
Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden Kings Domain, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaDr Judith Smart AM, co-author of the history of the NCW Australia, Stirrers with Style will give an overview of the history of women’s organisations, then a panel of speakers from some of the founding groups of NCWV will talk about their beginnings and where they are today.
Where the River Runs – walk in Richmond
Studio 1, Former Channel 9 Building 15 Barnett Way, Richmond, Victoria, AustraliaThe Richmond & Burnley Historical Society is holding a walk (flat and gentle!) which starts at Studio One, Kennedy Place, Richmond (the old GTV9 site). The walk meanders along the Yarra River, Burnley Park, the Horticultural Gardens and returns for afternoon tea. Bookings essential: 9427 1800 or richmondhs@optusnet.com.au
Burnley Gardens: and the people who loved them
ZOOM Join from anywhere in the worldTo replace the cancelled Symposium "Women in Horticulture" which was to be held in conjunction with Friends of Burnley Gardens and the Herb Society of Victoria, Australian Garden History Society (AGHS) is offering the two planned lectures online instead. FOBG will be organising a launch of the book “Burnley Gardens: their design and the people
Launch of Kaleidoscope exhibition
RHSV, Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, VIC, AustraliaKaleidoscope is the RHSV's major exhibition in 2022 and it celebrates the women who were crucial in building the organisation from its beginning in 1909. This is biography imagined through the lens of a Kaleidoscope. The viewer is offered fragments of the lives represented here. There is no linear narrative. Each time the kaleidoscope turns, a different story emerges. There are repeating patterns but different emphases and new ways of seeing, new reflections, new refractions. No one story dominates and one story does not fit all.
ZOOM Join from anywhere in the worldIn 2022 the RHSV, along with many other organisations, will be pulling out all stops to celebrate the sesquicentenary of the Education Act 1872. This ground-breaking legislation mandated that primary education in Victoria would be free, secular and compulsory. The Dept of Education is encouraging primary schools to partner with their local historical societies -
A G L SHAW LECTURE: The Barristers of the Port Phillip District, 1839-1851
RHSV Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett St, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaThe first barristers arrived in Melbourne in 1839, the same year as Charles La Trobe, but only 14 were admitted to practice before 1851. Separation from NSW and the discovery of gold totally transformed the Bar, with fifty new barristers being admitted by 1854. All came from the United Kingdom and brought with them the
Launch of Analysing Australian History
RHSV Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett St, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaJoin the RHSV and Cambridge University Press for the invite you to attend the launch of, Analysing Australian History, a series of four textbooks for the new Australian History Year 12 Study Design 2022-26
Lighter Than Air – book launch with Helene Rogers
Studio 1, Former Channel 9 Building 15 Barnett Way, Richmond, Victoria, AustraliaThe Richmond & Burnley Historical Society is launching Helene Rogers' book, Lighter Than Air. Fledgling balloonists in nineteenth century Australia realised that their aerial endeavours added little to their pockets, or to science. Re-inventing themselves as showmen and women, they performed daring acrobatics from trapezes and parachutes, touring towns and cities all over the country.
ZOOM Join from anywhere in the worldChristina Browning, our new RHSV Marketing Manager, brings a wealth of experience to the RHSV - and not just in social media. Christina started her working life as a journalist before seguing into marketing. In this free Zoom forum, Christina will take you through building a social media campaign around a special day. So you
A World of Architectural History
Malaysian Theatre Glyn Davis Building, Masson Road The University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC 3010, Parkville, VIC, AustraliaThis lecture will discuss the preparations and outcomes of the 21st Edition of Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture. This lecture will discuss the preparations and outcomes of the 21st Edition of Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture, in what are two entirely re-written volumes, also available online. It constitutes the most ambitious