From sanatoria to urban bushland: An environmental history of Melbourne’s former sites of tuberculosis treatment.

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A talk by Environmental Historian, Rebecca Le Get. Rebecca Le Get is an independent scholar and environmental historian. She is interested in how tuberculosis and its treatment has influenced the development of green spaces and bushland reserves in suburban Melbourne. Were it not for these forests being selected for healthcare, it is uncertain if these


Cataloguing Clinic via Zoom with Jillian Hiscock

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At the 27 May Clinic, Jillian will revisit the process of book cataloguing, both published and unpublished material. What is the information that should be captured and what is the


Ern Latchford: his WWI adventures in western Europe, Persia and Russia.

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A Zoom event. In late 1918, thousands of Australian soldiers, exhausted and scarred by war in Europe, began to head home. However, one ANZAC headed the wrong way, toward more conflict and risk in vast and frozen Siberia, thousands of miles from his fiancée waiting on the family farm in Western Victoria. This is the story of Ernest Latchford MBE MC, told through his articulate, observant letters home from three very distinct theatres of war, western Europe, Persia and Russia.


Up the (Gardiners) Creek: a brief history of Kooyong Koot

Bert Lewis Room, first floor, Box Hill Library 1040 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, Select one, Australia

Dr Gary Presland, FRHSV, and President of the Society, has done a particular study of the natural history of the Melbourne area. He will speak about one of the prime

Gold coin donation appreciated

Ferries of Melbourne: Past, Present, Future – Good, Better, Best?

Library at the Dock 107 Victoria Harbour Promenade, Docklands, Victoria, Australia

Melbourne’s ferries have delivered significant social and economic benefit to our community in the past. Today ferries remain a woefully under-developed transport and tourism option. The opportunity to expand ferry services around this state and in this city is great.


RHSV, Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

LA TROBE’S UNIFORM ‘Extravagance, Tradition and Power’ : Charles La Trobe’s Uniform Guest Speaker: Megan Anderson (2019 La Trobe Society Fellow at State Library Victoria) Megan Anderson is Costume Production Assistant at Sovereign Hill, a position which involves researching and producing historically accurate reproduction clothing subsequently used as interpretive and educational tools within the living


Cataloguing Clinic via Zoom with Jillian Hiscock

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June's cataloguing topic will be dealing with donations to a collection - donation forms, the process, what to do, what not to do etc Jillian Hiscock, the RHSV Collections Manager, started these cataloguing clinics during the early days of COVID and they suit Zoom very well. The clinics run for an hour from 11am –


Twentieth Century Science, Technology and Engineering

RHSV, Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Twentieth Century Science, Technology and Engineering Presented by Laureate Professor R. J. EVANS Engineering Heritage Victoria and the RHSV are, once again, partnering to present some fascinating events which are of interest to anyone interested in history and the history of engineering in its broadest scope. This talk explores the development of key scientific and


Transport History of Carlton

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On Tuesday 29 June 2021 @ 7.30 pm, you can enjoy two illustrated presentations on aspects of the transport history of Carlton from the comfort of your own home: Before the Pram Factory? The story of Freeman's livery stables by Margaret Rich The Inner Circle Line, Carlton's forgotten railway line by Jeff Atkinson To take