What Makes A Good Historical Society

Hampton Community Centre 14 Willis St, Hampton, VIC, Australia

The Sandringham Historical Society is holding its AGM on March 3 and Assoc Professor Don Garden OAM, FFAHS, FRHSV will be delivering a talk on What Makes A Good Historical Society. Don Garden is the President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, immediate Past President of the Federation of Australian Historical Societies, a member


Exhibition launch: Cold War Games

RHSV, Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

In 1956, an Olympic year, the world was beset with Cold War anxieties. Would the Melbourne Olympic Games be remembered as the “friendly” Games or would they become a victim of the Cold War?


Theatre Heritage Australia Inc. 10th Annual General Meeting

Prahran Mechanics Institute 39 St Edmonds Road, Prahran, VIC, Australia

SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER – PHIL A'VARD Actor, director, producer and long-time manager of the Alexander Theatre at Monash University This is a free event – all THA members and their guests, and new members are welcome Agenda: 2.30 pm – AGM 2.50 pm – Guest speaker Phil A'Vard 3.30 pm – Refreshments Click on Event


Presentation and Exhibition Viewing: Carlo Catani: Visitonary, Creator, Genius

Museo Italiano 199 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria, Australia

FREE - RSVP ESSENTIAL by clicking on the Event website link below An event not to be missed! Join presenter and Exhibition co-curator Daniela Riachi for an informative and entertaining illustrated talk, on the life and work of Carlo Catani Victoria’s foremost Italian-born civil engineer, and key figure in the development of the State of


Vida Goldstein and Maud Wood Park

RHSV ZOOM by Invitation , Australia

Distinguished historian, Professor Marilyn Lake AO, will deliver the RHSV's inaugural Women's History Lecture, Progressive New World which focuses on feminist friendship across the Pacific.

Free – $10.00

Heritage Days 22 + 23 Mar: Shepparton & District

Shepparton Shepparton, Victoria, Australia

Fri 22 Mar & Sat 23 Mar 2019: 2 fabulous free Heritage Open Days in Shepparton & district.
Over 50 heritage places will be open including sites which are rarely accessible. Walking tours, bus tours & independent visiting.

Governor Hotham’s Memorial.

North Melbourne Library 66 Errol Street, North Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Talk by Dr Celistina Sagazio – Governor Hotham’s Memorial. Dr Celestina Sagazio is historian and manager of Cultural Heritage of the Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust. She previously worked as an

Workshop: Scanning for beginners

RHSV ZOOM by Invitation , Australia

A hands-on workshop for those who can use a computer and can navigate the internet but would like to learn how to use scanners.

$30.00 – $70.00

Workshop: Keeping a digital collection for beginners

RHSV ZOOM by Invitation , Australia

In this hands-on workshop we learn what should happen to a file after it has been digitised. Covering: file formats, image resolution, best practice file and folder naming, metadata, software, security and access.

$30.00 – $70.00