Revisiting Catani

RHSV ZOOM by Invitation , Australia

Speaker: Bill Russell Florentine born Public Works Department engineer Carlo Catani died 100 years ago, in July 1918. He is revered for the work he did, during nearly 40 years in the public service, in shaping key bits of the Melbourne and St Kilda we recognise. For our Melbourne Day lunchtime talk, former RHSV president

Free – $10.00

The Biennial RHSV conference : War, Peace, Protest: Fifty Year Reflections on 1968

Drill Hall, Royal Historical Society Victoria 239 A'Beckett St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The biennial RHSV conference has events over two days. On the evening of Friday 14 Sep we launch our exhibition on 70s Melbourne followed by the RHSV Augustus Wolskel lecture delivered by Peter Edwards. Then on Sunday 16 Sep (9:30am – 3:45pm) the keynote will be delivered by Seamus O’Hanlon. A full program of speakers

$20.00 – $50.00

History Week 2018 Each year the RHSV History Week grows in stature and number of events. It is a great hook to encourage community involvement in your history society or to focus some local media on what you do. The History Teachers Association of Victoria has been promoting History Week to their members across Victoria. For suggestions

Lost Flocks & distraught shepherds: Captain Charles Swanston

RHSV ZOOM by Invitation , Australia

Evening Lecture Time:                 5:15pm drinks for a 5:45pm lecture Cost:                  Free for RHSV Members; $10 for Non-Members Melbourne by 1856 was growing in confidence and grandeur, as Henry Gritten’s fine painting of Swanston Street depicts. Captain Charles Swanston, the man

A White Hot Flame

Camberwell Library Meeting Room 340 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia

A White Hot Flame: Mary Montgomerie Bennett: Author, Educator, Activist for Indigenous Justice. A presentation by Dr Sue Taffe. All welcome. Sue Taffe is a Melbourne historian who has written about the contributions of twentieth century activists to campaigns for Aboriginal rights. She is the author of Black and White Together FCAATSI: the Federal Council for

“Living Culture” by Lionel Launch – Mt Martha

The Briars Information Centre Nepean Highway, Mt. Martha, Victoria, Australia

Mornington & District Historical Society Annual Leslie Moorhead Lecture This years lecture is titled  “Living Culture” by Lionel Launch an indigenous  man who will take us through a variety of aspects of aboriginal culture, including medicinal plants and ending with a didgeridoo performance. Numbers are strictly limited. Book through Dawn 03 5977 0027. Cost is

175th Anniversary of the Naming of Seymour

The general format will include a street parade on Sat 10 Nov, down Station St and up Tallarook St to finish at Kings Park, where there will be lots of displays by local groups and organisations. The Army at Puckapunyal are supporting us, not only on the Saturday for the parade and display, but also

Hell Ship – The Journey of the Ticonderoga

Badcoe Hall Quarantine Station, Point Nepean, Victoria, Australia

The Nepean Historical Society is producing the play, 'Hell Ship – The Journey of the Ticonderoga' written and performed by Michael Veitch, at The Quarantine Station on 17th November at 2.00 and 7.30pm. It will be remarkable to hear this story told at the very place where the journey ended. In 1852, the handsome emigrant


Putting it Out There: Melbourne in the 1970s

RHSV, Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

We reflect on and explore the ways in which the life of the city and society were shaped by the changing ideas and actions of its citizens


Siren to Siren: Football and Victoria

RHSV, Cabinet of Curiosities Downstairs 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This tiny exhibition, curated by Ashley Smith includes items from the RHSV collection and loan material from Francis Doherty, an avid VFL/AFL professional ephemera collector.