Cataloguing Clinic via Zoom with Jillian Hiscock

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Cataloguing Clinic via Zoom with Jillian Hiscock   For this clinic, Jillian will be focusing on the cataloguing of objects (including medals). Please note that the clinic on Thu 23 Sept will start at 12:30pm not 11am. Jillian Hiscock, the RHSV Collections Manager, started these cataloguing clinics during the early days of COVID and they


THE BRILLIANT BOY  Gideon Haigh talks about Doc Evatt

RHSV, Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

THE BRILLIANT BOY Gideon Haigh talks about  Doc Evatt We are thrilled that Gideon Haigh will talk about his latest book, The Brilliant Boy and the Great Australian Dissent, for the RHSV on Wednesday 29th of September. The event will be chaired by Dr E W Russell.  In a quiet Sydney street in 1937, a


The PMI’s afternoon historical book chat

This is a casual drop in session where you can bring your afternoon tea, listen and chat about the historical books that you are reading or projects that you are researching. To attend the session, please book your tickets using the try booking link below, and a Zoom link will be sent to you. If


Paving Our Ways: A History of the World’s Roads and Pavements

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Paving our Ways provides a comprehensive international history of the world’s pavements, running from the earliest human settlements to the present day. It examines the earliest pavements in Egypt and Mesopotamia and then moves to North Africa, Crete, Greece and Italy, before a review of pavements used by the Romans in their magnificent road system. After its empire collapsed, Roman pavements fell into ruin. The slow recovery of pavements in Europe began in France and then in England.



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Social media has become the most influential and important virtual space to network, build a community, promote what you do, find assistance, sell books and events and connect. Social media networks are open to all and they are free, giving historical societies a chance to connect with whoever shares their interests. 



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EMERGING HISTORIANS Join us for an evening of new ideas and interesting discussion to celebrate History Month in Victoria. “Emerging Historians” is a popular annual event that offers fascinating insights into a wide variety of new history research. This year we present four speakers who will share their research on a variety of topics that


Who Lived in My House?


Ever wondered who the past occupants of your house were? Or interested in researching your house history? Come along to this Heritage Help session and learn how to use research tools to find the history of houses and properties in Hobsons Bay and Melbourne.


Who Lived in My House?


Ever wondered who the past occupants of your house were? Or interested in researching your house history? Come along to this Heritage Help session and learn how to use research tools to find the history of houses and properties in Hobsons Bay and Melbourne. This session will run online.


The 1789 Smallpox Plague – exhuming the truth

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In April 1789 a smallpox plague suddenly broke out at Sydney Cove. It swept around the entire continent and killed up to 70% of the Indigenous peoples in the Sydney area, but only one colonist. Despite the fact that the First Fleet was very well documented, the cause of the pandemic has remained a mystery.
