RHSV Gallery Downstairs 239 A'Beckett St, MelbourneThis exhibition is biography imagined through the lens of a Kaleidoscope. The viewer is offered fragments of the lives represented here. There is no linear narrative. Each time the kaleidoscope turns, a different story emerges. There are repeating patterns but different emphases and new ways of seeing, new reflections, new refractions. No one story dominates and one story does not fit all.
An exhibition – Glen Eira Historical Society 50 years 1972-2022
Glen Eira City Council Gallery Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, CaulfieldSince its formation in 1972 the Glen Eira Historical Society has collected over 5000 items; documents, photographs, ephemera, maps and more. To commemorate 50 years we dipped into our collection
Clan Winter-Irving Gathering
Noorilim Estate 205 WAHRING-MURCHISON E RD, WAHRINGClan Winter-Irving Gathering Note! Due to current outbreak of COVID + border closures, event has been rescheduled for 2022 This inaugural 1 day event (15/10/2022) will provide an opportunity
The Australian Football Card – a collected history
The footy season might be over, but you can still enjoy some football history! In this session, Australian Rules Football historian and author Francis Doherty will showcase examples from his