Tuesday 13 June 2023

Dear RHSV members,

I am sure you are as concerned and disappointed as I, and the RHSV Council, are by the recent decision in the 2023 state budget not to fund community history – both PROV’s Local History Grants Program and the Victorian Community History Awards.

History in this state and indeed across the country now receives very little support from government.  History is currently not part of government thinking at all levels on funding for the Arts or cultural policy. Yet in many ways History is foundational to both. Many creative efforts have as their inspiration works of history, which provide the stories that underpin the creative work. Australian identity also rests on many historical moments such as Federation, ANZAC, and great cultural and sporting achievements, which are recorded in the first place by historians. At the local community level identities are formed and nurtured through historical experience and the work of historical societies as the custodians of collections which record and display the past.

If you feel strongly about this budget omission, as I do, please express your concern at this short-sighted decision to:

  1. Your local MP. You can find contact details for your local MP here.
  2. The Hon. Danny Pearson MP

Minister for Government Services

PO Box 605 Moonee Ponds VIC 3039

Minister Pearson is responsible for PROV’s funding.

Some pointers you may wish to include:

  • Historical societies are custodians of the communal memory
  • Small grants help custodianship of this heritage by improving the storage, access and digitisation of collections
  • Give an example of a grant that you or a fellow society received in the past, and how it transformed the work you or others do.
  • The budget savings made are small in comparison with the loss sustained by over 350 volunteer-based historical societies, who either win or aspire each year to gain a small grant.
  • Consideration should have been given by government in consultation with the History movement to reducing, not cutting completely, such small grants
  • The Victorian Community History Awards each year support scores of authors and creators and the many designers, printers and publishers involved in their works.

The total lack of support given in the budget undermines this community program with historical societies in every electorate across Victoria.


Yours Sincerely,

Richard Broome AM

President Royal Historical Society of Victoria