Some History Lessons for Present-day Housing Campaigners

Yorkshire Stingo Hotel 48 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia

Collingwood Historical Society is pleased to announce that Janet McCalman AC will be our guest speaker at this year's AGM. Her topic will range over slum clearances, the establishment of the Housing Commission of Victoria, and current housing issues. The evening will start with dinner at a venerable Collingwood pub at 6:30, followed by (brief!)

AGM with speaker Judy Maddigan

Yorkshire Stingo Hotel 48 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia

Collingwood Historical Society will hold the 2023 AGM with our annual dinner followed by guest speaker, Judy Maddigan, the first woman Speaker of the Victorian Legislative Assembly, who will talk on 'Victoria, the last State to allow women to vote and stand for Parliament'.

Individual payment for dinner (optional)