Three Vital Planning Scheme Amendments Approved

Please accept our warmest Congratulations

The protection of Guildford and Hardware Laneways and of eight individual buildings (C301) will protect a much-loved corner of the City.

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23 October 2018

Amendments Melbourne C301, C304, and C327
Location: Melbourne, Southbank, Fishermans Bend 

The Hon. Richard Wynne, MP,
Minister for Planning,
Level 16, 8 Nicholson Street,
East Melbourne, Vic. 3002.

Dear Minister,

Amendments Melbourne C301, C304, and C327

I write on behalf of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria to congratulate you for having approved these three Planning Scheme Amendments gazetted on 18 October.

The protection of Guildford and Hardware Laneways and of eight individual buildings (C301) will protect a much-loved corner of the City. Implementing the findings of the Southbank and Fishermans Bend Heritage Review (C304) is most welcome in protecting what remains of the heritage there. And a point of especial satisfaction for us is your decision to implement the recommendations of the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review (C327).

We are fully aware that these are all subject to interim protection. You can count on us to continue supporting you in this endeavour as we move through the process to (hopefully) permanent protection.

We understand fully the difficulties under which planning ministers operate and are thus deeply grateful for your decisions in these instances.

Please accept our warmest congratulations.

Yours faithfully

(Professor) Charles Sowerwine,
Chair, Heritage Committee,
Royal Historical Society of Victoria.


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