The RHSV, in association with Insurance Advisernet (IA) has arranged access for RHSV affiliate society members to obtain various insurance coverages for those societies. Only RHSV members can join the Group Insurance Scheme. To learn more about membership click here.
2025-2026 Insurance
14th March 2025 update: We are currently sending invoices to the members of the group insurance scheme for 2025-2026 year. These are payable by 1st of April 2025. If you haven’t received an invoice by Monday 17 March 2025 please check your Spam or Junk mail folder in case the invoices have gone astray.
The 2025 – 2026 group insurance scheme will begin on 1 April 2025. In early December 2024 we sent the questionnaire to all existing scheme members and others on our database – the responses to these questionnaires ascertain the premiums.
Once the insurance company have seen all the initial responses to the questionnaire, (which can be filled out here) they calculate our premiums. The RHSV then sends invoices to all those societies taking part in the Group Insurance Scheme and to those societies who, at this stage, merely, want a quote. This is planned to take place in early March for payment by 1 April 2025. For historical societies which are not currently RHSV members, we will include membership fees in the insurance invoice and your membership year will be the same period as the insurance year (1 April to 1 April).
We will not know what the premiums are for 2025-2026 until March 2025. Please note that the premiums quoted below (for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026) are indicative for Victorian historical societies and interstate historical societies’ premiums may vary as stamp duty and fire service levies are applied differently across the country.
If you would like to be included, or get a quote to join the scheme for the 2025-2026 period or simply have questions please contact Administration Officer Chelsea Pinkard on 03 9326 9288 |
Insurance Premiums Comparison last year ('24-'25) with current year ('25-'26)
For Victorian historical societies. Please note that interstate historical societies vary slightly because of differences in stamp duty. | 2024 - 2025 year Premium components incl GST where appropriate | 2025-2026 year Premium components incl GST where appropriate |
Base premium (incl GST) | $141.90 | $143.00 |
Stamp Duty (no GST) | $14.19 | $12.87 |
Underwriters Fee (incl GST) | $8.80 | $11.00 |
Brokers Fee (incl GST) | $8.25 | $8.80 |
Administration Fee (incl GST) | 26.67 | 24.31 |
Base premium (incl GST) | $102.30 | $104.50 |
Stamp Duty (no GST) | $10.23 | $9.41 |
Brokers Fee (incl GST) | $8.80 | $11.00 |
Administration Fee (incl GST) | $27.88 | $28.22 |
Base premium (incl GST) | $9.90 | $11.00 |
Stamp Duty (no GST) | $0.99 | $1.10 |
Underwriters Fee (incl GST) | $2.20 | $3.30 |
Brokers Fee (incl GST) | $3.41 | $3.63 |
Administration Fee (incl GST) | $4.73 | $5.17 |
We strongly recommend, before taking out insurance, that you read and understand the policy especially with regard to what is covered and what is not covered and the excesses applicable to each claim.
A few things to be aware of:
- The Excess per claim for all claims has gone up from previous years. It is now;
- $1000 excess if the amount insured is less than $10,000.
- $2500 if the amount insured is above $10,000.
- The excess for bushfires is $10,000 per claim.
- For claims for earthquakes, subterranean fires etc the excess per claim is capped at $20,000 and is calculated at 1% of declared value of property (i.e what it is insured for).
Endorsement Underwriting Fee
We have had problems in the past with some societies dragging their feet and not making up their minds about insurance until well after the 1st of April. One of our insurance companies, Community Underwriting, has introduced what they call an Endorsement Underwriting Fee for those societies which don’t commit by the 1st of April and then want to join the scheme after that date. It is essentially a late joining fine.
Those Endorsement Underwriting Fees are $33 for public liability insurance and $33 for association liability. This is not about paying your premium by the 1st of April (though we want to encourage that too) but simply committing to the scheme by the 1st of April.
Please note: it is stressed again that the actual policy terms and conditions will always prevail over this general advice.
Disclosure information
The RHSV, in association with Insurance Advisernet (IA) has arranged access for RHSV affiliate society members to obtain various insurance coverages for those societies. Only RHSV members can join the Group Insurance Scheme. To learn more about membership click here.
IA, is one of Australia’s biggest and most trusted General Insurance Brokers. For over 25 years, IA has handled insurance for many thousands of customers enabling it to provide appropriate cover and service.
As an RHSV Affiliate Society, you have access to exclusive member coverage and premiums for Liability, Association Liability, Voluntary Workers and Property Insurance which have been negotiated for your benefit.
In summary the coverages available provide the following protection for Affiliate Societies:
- Public Liability Insurance – protects you against claims for personal injury or damage to a third party;
- Association Liability. Provides protection to the association against legal liability that it may incur through the conduct of its activities or the provision of services;
- Voluntary Workers Insurance – provides capital and weekly benefits for voluntary workers (and members) injured whilst engaged in voluntary work on behalf of the insured, including commuting to and from as defined in the policy wording. (Similar to Workcover);
- Property Insurance – also known as Industrial Special Risks, covers the material items of your society such as buildings, contents. It is the only variable premium as this premium is based on the value and location of the assets you wish to insure
For further information on the Insurance offered please read the: Frequently asked questions
Our insurance program runs from 1 April each year for 12 months. A flat-rate premium is applicable for each policy regardless of when joining with the exception of property insurance as this premium is based on the value and location of the assets you wish to insure.
In relation to this offering, the RHSV will act as your representative in negotiating coverage terms and premiums for the benefit of all members. Further, we will act as a conduit between members and our IA Authorised Representative, Leigh Moulden of Doreen Insurance Solutions. As part of this arrangement and at no charge to our members, we undertake to provide the following:
Documentation and information to members as provided by IA including:
- Financial Services Guide, inclusive of contact details for our IA Authorised Representative;
- Terms of Engagement, to advise the basis on which our IA Authorised Representative will act for you regarding the insurance placement;
- Policy Schedule and Tax Invoice;
- A copy of (or access to) the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, detailing the product terms and conditions;
- Renewal notices; and
- If applicable, cancellation and/or notice of non-renewal.
We also need to advise you of our obligation to compensate you for any loss or damage if we fail to notify you of the above as required. In providing this facility to Affiliate Societies, The RHSV will not receive any rebates or commissions from IA, its Authorised Representative or the insurer for arranging for the issue of insurance coverage.
The RHSV doesn’t hold an Australian Financial Services Licence and as such advises that you should consider obtaining your own financial product advice about the above products and its suitability to your individual needs from an appropriately qualified financial services advisor.
If you would like to be included or get a quote to join the scheme in the coming year please contact Chelsea Pinkard on 03 9326 9288 |
If you have any questions in relation to the product, coverage provided and/ or currency of coverage please contact our IA Authorised Representative who will be happy to assist:
Leigh Moulden
Phone: 0401 418 342
Leigh Moulden is an Authorised Representative (No. 341144) of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty ltd., AFSL 240549). Doreen Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1262030) of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd AFSL No. 240549
All policy documents for Insurance 2025-2026 will be linked below as they are provided by the insurance underwriters:
• Voluntary Workers
• Public Liability
• Association Liability
• Property Insurance
Please note that if you would like to make a claim, first contact either RHSV or Leigh Moulden
All policy documents for Insurance 2024-2025 are linked below:
Click here for Community Underwriting Policy Schedule 2024/25
Click here for Community Underwriting (General) Public Liability Policy Wording 2024/25
Click here for Community Underwriting Association Liability Policy Wording 2024/25
Click here for Community Underwriting Voluntary Workers Policy Wording 2024/25
Click here for Community Underwriting (ISR) Property Insurance Policy Wording 2024/25
Please note that if you would like to make a claim, first contact either RHSV or Leigh Moulden
All policy documents for Insurance 2023-2024 are linked below:
Click here for Community Underwriting (General) Public Liability Policy Wording 2023/24
Click here for Community Underwriting Association Liability Policy Wording 2023/24
Click here for Community Underwriting Voluntary Workers Policy Wording 2023/24
Click here for Community Underwriting (ISR) Property Insurance Policy Wording 2023/24
Click here for Community Underwriting Policy Schedule 2023/24