Built in 1864 and virtually unaltered
Its loss now would be a tragedy, a tragedy that need not occur if Council fulfil its responsibilities to its heritage and to its citizens.
Great Western Hotel
Location: 204-208 King Street, Melbourne
City of Planning and Infrastructure,
PO Box 1603
Melbourne VIC 3001
Dear sir or madam,
TP-2016-1105, Great Western Hotel 204-208 King Street, demolition for apartment tower; request for Interim Heritage Overlay for Great Western Hotel.
The Royal Historical Society of Victoria is the peak body for over 300 historical societies in Victoria. The Society is deeply concerned at the threat to the Great Western Hotel (originally Star of the West Hotel). It is one of a diminishing band of nineteenth-century hotels in the City. With the loss of the Stork and Corkman Hotels, this would significantly affect Melbourne’s character. It is especially important to note that, as a hotel built in 1864 and virtually unaltered, it is a witness to Melbourne before the high Victorian boom and thus even more valuable.
The RHSV urges respectfully but strenuously, that Council investigate the creation of a Heritage Overlay for the Great Western. This would be amply justified since, as a C graded building, the Great Western would certainly be included in the coming CBD heritage review and would be assured of a higher grade of protection.
The Great Western, which though built in 1864 is of a style reminiscent of the previous decade, is a vital remnant of the City’s early past. As an operating hotel, it was an ongoing witness to Victorian sociability. Its loss now would be a tragedy, a tragedy that need not occur if Council fulfil its responsibilities to its heritage and to its citizens.
Yours faithfully,
(Professor) Charles Sowerwine,
Chair, Heritage Committee,
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
cc.: The Hon Robert Doyle, Lord Mayor of Melbourne;
The Hon Richard Wynne, MP, Minister for Planning

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