Stockade, The: Carlton’s forgotten prison and the people who inhabited it. By Jeff Atkinson

One hundred and fifty years ago, in what is now the affluent suburb of North Carlton there was a prison.  It was a low security gaol for petty offenders known as the Collingwood Stockade (the name ‘Carlton’ was not yet in use in the early 1850s.)  Opened in 1853, it operated for 13 years until 1866, when it became an asylum for the insane, and later a school.  It is now the site of the Carlton North Primary School.

Carlton Community History Group


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One hundred and fifty years ago, in what is now the affluent suburb of North Carlton there was a prison.  It was a low security gaol for petty offenders known as the Collingwood Stockade (the name ‘Carlton’ was not yet in use in the early 1850s.)  Opened in 1853, it operated for 13 years until 1866, when it became an asylum for the insane, and later a school.  It is now the site of the Carlton North Primary School.

Carlton Community History Group

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Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14.6 × 0.9 cm

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