Reading the Fine Print: A history of the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council (VALBEC) is an engaging and comprehensive account of thirty years in the life of this professional organization. It recounts some of the policy and pedagogical struggles of the adult literacy field that have shaped VALBEC’s identity. Reading the Fine Print also explores how VALBEC’s journal, Fine Print, acted as a trend-setter in its choice of articles for publication, and as a mirror by reflecting some of the major themes of adult literacy education in Victoria in the last thirty years. The narrative draws on primary sources, interview excerpts and extracts from Fine Print articles to tell the story of an organic organization which has endured over thirty years through lean years and years of funding plenty, and through times of great expansion and change. It sets development of this professional organization in the broader social context of the times and as such offers an important contribution to the history of adult literacy education in Victoria.
Paperback, 278pp, 2009
Condition: Very good
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