The Barmah State Park and State Forest comprises the largest red gum forest in Victoria. Formed in a quirk of geological lift, the forest was first enjoyed by the Kooris who led a prosperous existence until it was traversed by explorer Charles Sturt and invaded by squatters with cattle and sheep, fishermen after the native fish and leeches, and timbermen after the mighty red gum. Paddle-steamers and barges swept along the river after it was charted and snagged. The area around was cleared when the selectors took up land for farms. They too grazed their animals in the forest over the next century and the Barmah muster each autumn is one of the tourist attractions of the area. The forest has also given a living to shooters and charcoal burners. Its wetlands attract a vast and varied birdlife enjoyed by the many campers and holiday seekers who swim and relax on the banks of the Murray. This book is a collection of writings about the Barmah area and of illustrations made by some of its residents and visitors over the years.
Condition: Good – ex-library book, contains library labelling/stamps, slight bends to front cover, general wear.
Publisher: Lynedoch Publications
Year: 1991
Format: Paperback
Pages: 144pp
ISBN: 0646027662
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