In these twelve finely-wrought stories, the countryside of Victoria becomes a small timeless world rich with human experience.
Partly based on the author’s own experiences, the stories are united by the land and people they describe and by the character of their narrator, a young man who is at once part of the life around him and a detached observer of it.
Whether he is travelling through country haunted by the spirits of his ancestors, being a participant in adventures set among familiar sites on the Great Ocean Road, working a veteran rabbiter on a Western District farm, or taking part in a woolshed dance and a rural cricket match, he is intensely aware both of the mood and scene of the moment and of the past that underlies it.
Included in this edition are the author’s Reflections – written in his ninety-fifth year. This illuminating and personal piece goes back to Charlwood’s beginnings as a writer, the influences in his early schooling and working life, the experiences that shaped this book and subsequent works, and the people who have had a profound effect on Charlwood’s long writing career with particular emphasis on his first published book, No Moon Tonight.
As well as writing, one of Don Charlwood’s main interests during the 1930s and ’40s was photography. Photographs taken by the author during the years he lived in and travelled through country Victoria are included in this edition of An Afternoon of Time.
Publisher: Burgewood Books
Year: 2010
Format: Paperback
Pages: 231pp
ISBN: 9781876425487
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