Bory Latour-Marliac – the source of water lilies before and beyond Monet

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Long before Mendel’s work was known, Bory Latour-Marliac (1830-1911) engineered daring water lily couplings with consummate skill, meticulous care and acute observation. His previously unrecorded letters reveal a horticultural world wide web into which he launched his finest hardy hybrids. From the outset he corresponded with Japan, South-East Asia and the United States. The earliest


Burnley Gardens: and the people who loved them

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To replace the cancelled Symposium "Women in Horticulture" which was to be held in conjunction with Friends of Burnley Gardens and the Herb Society of Victoria, Australian Garden History Society (AGHS) is offering the two planned lectures online instead. FOBG will be organising a launch of the book “Burnley Gardens: their design and the people

Ina Higgins: and her contribution to women’s horticultural education

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To replace the cancelled Symposium "Women in Horticulture" which was to be held in conjunction with Friends of Burnley Gardens (FOBG) and the Herb Society of Victoria, AGHS is offering these two planned lectures online instead. FOBG will be organising a launch of the book “Burnley Gardens: their design and the people who loved them”

The Edwardian Garden – golden and delicious: Special online lecture by Caroline Holmes.

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The Edwardian Garden - golden and delicious:  Special online lecture by renowned UK Garden Historian, Caroline Holmes. Gardens of a golden afternoon are glimpsed in black and white photographs and nostalgic cottage paintings. The Mediterranean inspired the architecture of Harold Peto’s designs and the colours in Gertrude Jekyll’s early paintings and later plantings. Peto’s richest

Free Walk & Talk with Professor Tim Entwisle at Wattle Park

Wattle Park Monsborough Dve, Burwood, VIC, Australia

Come and join the Australian Garden History Society for a leisurely stroll with Professor Tim Entwisle to explore the history of the site and surviving plantings. BYO picnic morning tea and your stories of the park. The Australian Garden History Society are offering this wonderful event for their members only - you'll have to join the

Edna Walling – an unusual life

Mueller Hall, Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne, Australia

Following the Australian Garden History Society's AGM, Sara Hardy will speak on 'Edna Walling'- an unusual life'. Sara Hardy is a playwright, biographer, novelist and former actor. Sara was inspired to write her first biography, The Unusual Life of Edna Walling, after portraying the famous Australian landscape designer in a theatre performance. Drinks and light refreshments will be available from 5:30 and the AGM begins at 6:00pm.

‘Love of a crowd, a band, and “a gardens’’’: Music, Recreation, and Gardens at Nineteenth-Century International Exhibitions

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Australian Garden History Society presents ‘Love of a crowd, a band, and “a gardens’’’: Music, Recreation, and Gardens at Nineteenth-Century International Exhibitions Winter online lecture by Sarah Kirby International exhibitions were some of the most significant cultural events of the nineteenth century, drawing together displays from across the world that (supposedly) demonstrated the breadth of

Zoom lecture: Gardens and land management in Western Victoria

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Zoom lecture: Gardens and land management in Western Victoria  Winter online zoom lecture by Dr Raymond Madden, Senior Lecturer, Anthropologist, in the School of Social Sciences, La Trobe University James Dawson, (1806-1900), was a prominent pastoralist in the colonial history of western Victoria.  In 1881 he published, ‘ Australian Aborigines: The Languages and Customs of Several Tribes

Nature and Culture: Eugene von Guérard and the landscape of Victoria’s Camperdown region

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SPECIAL GUEST LECTURE by Dr Ruth Pullin in preparation for our Spring Bus Tour DATE: Thursday 12 September 2024 TIME: 6.00 pm start LOCATION A Zoom link will be sent with a reminder before the session. COST: $15 members AGHS, $15 Friends RBG, $20 non-members BOOKINGS: Via TryBooking link below ENQUIRIES: LYNDA ENTWISLE - Mobile:

AGHS Vic Branch AGM + Lecture

AGHS Vic Branch AGM with lecture to follow 'Rescuing Our Botanical Heritage’ 10 years of Camperdown Botanic Gardens and Arboretum Trust By Janet O’Hehir Janet O’Hehir leads a community group in its campaign to rejuvenate and protect the Camperdown Botanic Gardens, and to reclaim and redevelop its surrounding Arboretum. Victoria’s botanic gardens are a special part of