Lecture 16: Humour, Power, Colonialism and Aboriginal People

This is the final episode in the Aboriginal Australia lecture series from Richard Broome’s 2007 course HIS2/3AAH – Australian Aboriginal History for LaTrobe University.

This lecture runs for about 40mins, then Richard shows two short films, which we have linked to how you can watch them below.

We hope you have enjoyed this series. Please forward any feedback to admin.officer@historyvictoria.org.au

The first short film shown is Babakiueria. A satirical film that explores the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal society by looking at an alternate reality whereby Aboriginal people instead play the role of invader & coloniser. (runtime 30mins) You can watch it via https://www.deadlystory.com/ 

The second film shown is Bridge Over Myall Creek (Myall Creek Massacre) is available to purchase or borrow from your local library https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/16977206
