QVM – Submissions

2 June 2020 Submission to Future Melbourne Committee (City of Melbourne) 
3 April 2020 • Submission to Heritage Victoria on the proposed Northern Shed
3 April 2020 • Submission to Heritage Victoria on the proposed Trader Shed
19 Nov 2019 • Heritage Committee Chair, Charles Sowerwine, speaks at a QVM public forum

Charles’ speech can be read here – it is a brilliant and succinct summing up of this protracted, complicated, many-fronted campaign.

13 Nov 2019 • RHSV lodges submission with Heritage Victoria re Permit P31886
1 Nov 2019 • RHSV lodges a submission re Market Square

The submission was lodged with the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program Office. Our Heritage Committee outlines its concern that the proposed event space would endanger the traditional use of the market.

16 Oct 2019 • RHSV Slams Proposals to Sanitise QVM

Our submission to the Melbourne City Council opposes discontinuance of roads intended to provide space for new buildings that will radically alter the market’s traditional mode of operation

17 Sep 2019 • Submission to Future Melbourne Committee

Regarding Agenda Item 6.6 Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program – Provision of Market Infrastructure

16 Sep 2019 • RHSV submission to Heritage Council of Victoria

Regarding Proposal to Amend the Extent of Registration of the Queen Victoria Market with regard to Queen Street

2 Apr 2019 • Submission to Future Melbourne Committee

The RHSV sets forth its concerns on heritage issues.

29 Mar 2019 • Letter to The Hon Lord Mayor Sally Capp

Prof. Charles Sowerwine, Chair of the RHSV Heritage Committee, congratulates the Lord Mayor for ‘having turned around and largely defused the problems’ linked to projects she inherited around the refashioning of the Queen Victoria Market.

1 Dec 2018 • Melbourne • Victory at the QVM People’s Panel: The Great Turnaround

The People’s Panel was, in the end, a great victory for those of us who support preservation and revitalization of the market on the basis of its heritage, but it’s not over yet.

 1 Nov 2018 • Melbourne • Heritage Victoria Officer’s Report – Queen Victoria Market

The Friends of Queen Victoria Market have obtained release of this report, which the City of Melbourne had kept under wraps. It is the internal report which led to the decision to refuse a permit for the Doyle plan to dismantle the historic sheds, excavate three levels below them for parking and services, and rebuild the sheds with many new structures.

31 Oct 2018 • Melbourne • Update on Queen Victoria Market ‘People’s Panel’

In last week’s statement on the Queen Victoria Market ‘People’s Panel’, we noted that the first two sessions had, as a fellow participant remarked to me, ‘tried to railroad us’ into accepting the discredited Doyle plan for the market, the plan rejected by Heritage Victoria. We protested in letters to the organisers and then to the Lord Mayor. Others too had written to the Lord Mayor expressing concern.

The Friends of the Queen Victoria Market obtained the release of Heritage Victoria’s internal report on the Doyle plan, which is a searing indictment of the whole plan (it is also on our web site). And our statement was picked up by the Herald-Sun on Saturday (‘Historian slams market panel’, 27 October 2018, p. 16). All this may have contributed to a new attitude on the part of facilitators and City of Melbourne and QVM Pty Ltd staff when the third panel session opened on Saturday morning.

25 Oct 2018 • Melbourne • Statement on Queen Victoria Market ‘People’s Panel’

The RHSV has participated in good faith in the first two sessions of Melbourne City Council’s ‘People’s Panel’ regarding the development of the Queen Victoria Market. We were assured that ‘everything was on the table.’ But it has now become clear, as the panel’s web portal proclaims to participants, that our ‘remit’ is only to ‘help shape the delivery and location of trader and customer facilities at Queen Victoria Market’ and that the nature of these facilities is non-negotiable.