Sunday 2 August 2020

With level 4 restrictions coming in to place tonight from 6pm we have decided that all staff will work from home for the next 6 weeks or the duration of level 4 restrictions. Our phones are switched through to Rebecca’s mobile and we are still accessible by email. Our Zoom events and meetings will go ahead as planned. The bookshop will still be operating however, apologies in advance, we will only be posting books once a week so deliveries will be slower than usual.

Our emails are

  • Rosemary Cameron  executive.officer@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Jillian Hiscock: collections@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Jess Scott: marketing@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Rebecca Toohey: office@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Emily Maiolo: vcha@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Lenore Frost: bookshop@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Site Search team: sitesearch@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Liz Bath: membership@historyvictoria.org.au
  • Images queries: images@historyvictoria.org.au

Everything should operate as normal although we will not have physical access to the Collection.

Stay safe and we’ll see you again when lockdown lifts

The RHSV team