Kastellorizian Association of Victoria

Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.
North Carlton 3054 VIC Australia
Contact Name
Florence Livery, KAV Archivist

The Kastellorizian Association of Victoria was established in 1925 to give assistance to the fledgling Greek community of Melbourne who emigrated from the tiny island of Kastellorizo. A Brotherhood was established offering vital social, economic and cultural support and links to its members.

With recent amendments to our Constitution, our primary purpose now is to use our activities and functions as a vehicle to assist those in need in the Kastellorizian and wider Greek Community.

These activities aim to promote among Kastellorizians and their descendents in Victoria, the cultural heritage of Kastellorizo and the integration of its community into the multicultural society of the Australian community. This includes the organisation of social functions to foster continued social interaction between families and friends of Kastellorizo, the promotion of cultural activities by organising lectures, exhibitions, recitals, musical evenings etc and the promotion of academic and/or sporting excellence by awarding prizes and scholarships.

Image: 1928 Kazzie Picnic, a very symbolic, traditional and annual event for the Kastellorizian community.

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Contact Name
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Contact Name
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Contact Name
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