Sunday 2 August 2020

With level 4 restrictions coming in to place tonight from 6pm we have decided that all staff will work from home for the next 6 weeks or the duration of level 4 restrictions. Our phones are switched through to Rebecca’s mobile and we are still accessible by email. Our Zoom events and meetings will go ahead as planned. The bookshop will still be operating however, apologies in advance, we will only be posting books once a week so deliveries will be slower than usual.


We most strongly protest the misguided government policy and demand the penalty on studying the Humanities is removed

Friday 19 June 2020

The Royal Historical Society of Victoria, the peak body for local and community history in Victoria for over a century, is astonished that Humanities students in Australian universities are being burdened with an unprecedented rise of up to 113% in student fees. This is an impost on one of Australia’s most creative sectors at a time when creative solutions are needed to help Australia emerge from an economic shock of unparalleled dimensions.


Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Yarra

CBD News loves our articles on history so much that they have asked us to supply a monthly article for their sister publication, Docklands News. Ashley Smith, an RHSV researcher, has produced his first Docklands News piece and it is a wonderful riff on Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works’ divers. It can be read here. The photo has also been reproduced in both Melbourne’s Twenty Decades and Remembering Melbourne.



We have decided to split the Administration Officer’s role into two parts: a full-time Administration role and a part-time (one day per week) book-keeper.

The position descriptions for both roles can be found by clicking on the links above.

Applications for both positions close at 5pm on Tuesday 16 June.

If you would like to discuss either position please contact our Executive Officer, Rosemary Cameron on rosemary.cameron@historyvictoria.org.au or 9326 9288



Two for price of one in the Herald Sun

In Sunday’s Herald Sun (1 March 2020) there was a great article, Future Lies in the Past, where News Editor John Masanauskas interviewed Richard Broome.

It is not often that historians make the gossip columns (“Gossip Queen: Invitation Only – Inside the A-List events in Melbourne” no less) but there was our past-President, Andrew Lemon, snapped at the opening of the revamped horse racing gallery at the MCG’s Australian Sports Museum.

Both articles attached here and here.


Richard Broome on local ABC with Andrew Hansen

While you were still snoozing at 6:20am Richard Broome, our President, was busy chatting to Andrew Hansen (of Chaser fame) on local ABC radio about Melbourne’s Twenty Decades, our latest publication, and the website is close to meltdown with book orders. ABC listeners are quick on the draw!

If you’d like to listen to the interview:
https://www.abc.net.au/…/progr…/breakfast/breakfast/11848484 (the interview is about 4 mins 20 seconds into the podcast).

If you still haven’t bought your copy (and don’t be the only person in Melbourne without one) click on the link:



We are searching for a new Administrator to join our small team.

At the end of 2019 Amy who was on one year’s maternity leave resigned to continue to look after her three children at home and Pankaj, who had been filling in for Amy, returned home to India.  So we are searching for a new permanent Administrator. Great book-keeping and admin skills are a must and this job is never dull. The full position description and details on how to apply can be found here.


RHSV wins Community Heritage Grant

The RHSV has been awarded a $14,894 federal Community Heritage Grant to fund museum-standard shelving for our all-important manuscript collection. This is the third and final grant in a three-part process.

The grant was announced at the National Library of Australia in Canberra on October 30.

Grants worth almost $383,000 have been distributed this year to 61 community groups and organisations from around Australia to assist in the identification and preservation of community owned but nationally significant heritage collections.