Historical Societies Support Committee (HSSC) resources

The Historical Societies Support Committee (HSSC) provides seminars of interest and practical assistance. The Society provides audio and pdf resources of some of these lectures as they were originally presented.

  • Aboriginal Collection Items
  • Access
  • Collection Care & Preservation
  • Collection Description & Management
  • Digitisation & Digital Collections
  • Disaster Management
  • Organisation Governance & Policy
  • Significance
  • Volunteer Management
  • Additional HVSG Seminar Podcast Recordings

Aboriginal collection items

Information for Victorian museums with Aboriginal collection items Museums Australia (Victoria)

Resources for Victorian museums with Aboriginal collection items Museums Australia (Victoria)

Dr Mark Eccleston (Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria)
Aboriginal cultural heritage and historical societies  (mp3, 41 mins, 38 MB) (13/05/2017 at Kilmore HS)


Access (Museums & Galleries NSW)

Improving access to heritage buildings (Australian Heritage Council)

Collection care and preservation

Preserving Australia’s documentary heritage : a starter kit for community groups (National Library of Australia)

Small museums cataloguing manual (Museums Australia (Victoria))

Conservation guides (State Library of Victoria)

Developing a conservation plan (Museums Australia (Victoria)

The RE-ORG method is a step-by-step approach for small to medium-sized heritage institutions. It aims to help them reorganize their collection storage rooms – funded by the Canadian Government

Collection description and management

Sample Society Loans Procedure

Developing Your Collection: Acquisition and Deaccession Policies (Te Papa National Services, New Zealand)


Sample Society Copyright, Reproduction Rights and Access Rights Guidelines

Digitisation & Digital Collections

Digitisation toolkit (GLAM Peak)

Creating and keeping your digital treasures – a user guide (State Library of Western Australia)

Sue Thompson (President, Lilydale and Historical Society)
The importance of digitising your collection (mp3, 32 mins, 29 MB) (13/05/2017 at Kilmore HS)

Disaster Management

Be prepared : guidelines for small museums for writing a disaster preparedness plan (Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials)

Fire Recovery (Blue Shield Australia)

Conservation Advice including fire and water damage (Australian War Memorial)

Salvage after fire (National Archives of Australia)

Fire (AICMM)

Disaster Response  12min video on salvaging collection items.

Dealing with mould and flood-damaged material (State Library of Queensland)


The fire at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum: Salvage, Chronology of the Initial Response, and the implications for Disaster Planning

Salvage and response (Florida Association of Museums)

Salvage advice for film, video, audio-tape, vinyl etc (National Film & Sound Archive)


Organisation Governance and Policy

Succession planning for not-for-profits (Our Community)

Policy bank (Institute for Community Directors)

Building a better relationship with your local council (Municipal Association of Victoria)



Significance 2.0: a guide to assessing the significance of collections (Collections Australia Network)

Volunteer Management Toolkit (Volunteering Victoria)

Victoria’s Volunteering Portal

Volunteering Australia https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org

Managing volunteers ; Planning, recruiting, managing and retaining volunteers ; Valuing our volunteers (Our Community)

Christine Worthington (Collections Manager & Volunteer Coordinator, Royal Historical Society of Victoria)
Volunteers ‘You can’t do it all yourself’(mp3, 14 mins) (13/05/2017 at Kilmore HS)

HVSG Seminar Podcast Recordings

Lisa Fletcher (Infoxchange)
Go Digi  (mp3, 20 MB) (25/06/2016 at Nepean HS)

GLAM Innovation Study – September 2014(pdf, 1.3 MB) (19/03/2016 at RHSV)

David Langdon (Richmond & Burnley Historical Society)
Trove (mp3, 28 min, 26 MB) (25/06/2016 at Nepean HS)

Robert Macklin (author of Australian history and biography)
Hamilton Hume, our greatest explorer (mp3, 20 mins, 18 MB) (13/05/2017 at Kilmore HS)

Dr Darren Peacock (National Trust of South Australia)
The End of History as We Know it?(pdf, 1.3 MB) (19/03/2016 at RHSV)

Liz Pidgeon (Yarra Plenty Regional Library)
Wikinorthia (pdf, 2.9 MB) (19/03/2016 at RHSV)

Fiona Poulton (Way Back When)
Our Digital Journey (Prezi) (19/03/2016 at RHSV)

Felicity Watson (Senior Community Advocate, National Trust of Australia (Victoria))
Citizen Advocacy(mp3, 39 mins, 36 MB) (13/05/2017 at Kilmore HS)

Keith White (Lavender Hill Multimedia)
Visiting Arthur’s Seat (mp4) (19/03/2016 at RHSV)