During the early settlement of both Tasmania and Victoria lay preachers of the branches of the Methodist churches were instrumental in spreading the Gospel; far outnumbering the clergy. Although this short history includes the stories of some early lay preachers it is more the history of lay preaching. It tells of their of place in the church as it developed though unions to eventually become the Uniting Church in Australia. Chapters include the history of Methodist lay preaching from 1820-1977 and then post union, Presbyterian and Congregational lay preaching, the development and impact of the ‘Basis of Union’ on lay preaching. Other chapters review the story of the Lay Preachers’ Association, formed in 1869, as a mutual aid society and still functioning today. Analysis of lay preaching includes the role of women and the contribution of Indigenous preachers, together with the results of a 2020 survey of current lay preachers.
Good condition, small amount of markings on cover, dog eared pages.
Paperback, 283pp, 2021.
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