2023 AGM & SGM, TUESDAY 28 MAY 2024

We look forward to welcoming as many members as possible to the RHSV’s Special General Meeting (SGM) and Annual General Meeting (AGM). To register for the SGM and AGM or to record your apologies please click here.  You can use the same link to book for the Weston Bate Oration which follows the AGM (with a short break for refreshments). Non-members too are always welcome.

On Tuesday evening, 28 May at 5pm the RHSV will be holding a Special General Meeting followed by its 115th Annual General Meeting at 5:15pm.

At 6:30pm we will present the 2024 Weston Bate Oration to be delivered by Dr Fiona Gatt.


Tuesday 28 May 2024, 5pm

To be held as a hybrid meeting both in person at RHSV 239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 and online via Zoom


  1. President’s welcome
  2. Attendance, apologies, proxies and Acknowledgement of Country
  3.      Discussion of proposed amendments to the RHSV Constitution
  4. Proposal for acceptance

          That the amendments to the Constitution of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria as circulated be adopted.

  1.      Close of meeting.





Tuesday 28 May 2024 5:15pm

To be held as a hybrid meeting both in person at RHSV 239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 and online via Zoom



  1. Attendance, apologies, proxies and Acknowledgement of Country
  2. To confirm the minutes of the 114th Annual General Meeting
  3. President’s report and to receive the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2023
  1. To receive and consider the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
  2. To appoint the Auditor for 2024
  3. To elect Office-Bearers (Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary) and ordinary members of Council.
  4. To announce recipients of Distinguished Service Award, Awards of Merit and the Barbara Nixon Volunteer Award.
  5. To elect RHSV Fellows and, a new award, RHSV Associate Fellows
  6. To present an Federation of Australian Historical Societies Fellowship.
  7. To transact any business of which notice has been given in accordance with the rules of the Society
  8. Close of meeting

Notice to members

  • Peter Yule, co-opted July 2021, one of two regional positions under clause 54(5) of the Constitution. Confirmed July 2023 until AGM 2024.  To be reconfirmed at AGM 2024 till 2025
  • 7 ordinary positions on Council will be open for re-election/election, 4 as the 2-year terms have been completed, 2 due to election to office bearer positions and 1 owing to a vacancy following the resignation of Charles Sowerwine.
  • Standing for re-election are Margaret Anderson, Judith Smart, Elisabeth Jackson and Elizabeth Triarico. Standing for election are Rosalie Triolo and Carole Woods as Ordinary members following resignation from office holder positions of Vice-President and Secretary respectively and Michael Tonta to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Chips Sowerwine.
  • 3 office-bearer positions will be open for election: Daniel Clements as Treasurer as his two-year term has been completed. Standing for election are Paul Fearon as Vice President following Rosalie Triolo’s resignation from the position and Cathy Butcher as Secretary following Carole Woods’ resignation from the position.




All of the above documentation is attached to this post and is also available as downloads. The full Annual Report also will be available as a download from our website just prior to the AGM.